Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Musings on the Battlefield: Sony "Share Play", and why EA needs to “do the decent”.

With Sony’s recent announcement about the features of their 2.0 software update for PS4 … well … one FEATURE in particular, “SHARE PLAY”, they have upped the ante for game distributors worldwide to either “put up or shut up”.

Games that don’t offer a “co-op” mode, like BF4, are going to have to give back a little of their profits if they are to keep pace with the increasingly SOCIAL NATURE of gaming.

copyright Mike Reed
Do you hear me sweetheart? I said, EA is going to have to allow for SHARE PLAY, and whatever Microsoft’s iteration will be, if they are to stay competitive in the mindset of gamers who prefer the online, multiplayer experience, to the single-player game mode. I count myself amongst the former.

Since Share Play requires the purchase of the PS4 AND the PS Plus membership, it’s not like either company is sacrificing much.

“Yeah, but how does EA benefit from Sony’s PS Plus sales?”

My guess is that Sony has extended a partnership agreement with specific distributors like EA. If a purchase of EA software is made via PS Plus, EA gets a cut, and EA get access to the PS Plus membership.

Make no mistake; EA wants to stay a PS Plus advocate. Sony has made it clear that PS Plus is their premium customer interface, and games which take advantage of the new feature(s) will no doubt get top-shelf treatment in Sony’s marketing campaigns, (see the nod to the Last of Us, NBA2K, and Child of Light; Sony Announcement).

But even if there were no economic incentive, EA and DICE need to do the decent and see that their faithful Battlefield customers are rewarded for their loyalty, and in the process, lay the framework for the future of Battlefield gaming online.


It's not fair but neither is the nature of gaming. We are a Darwinian lot and even though we chant "fair play" it's with a certain knowledge that the online multiplayer first-person-shooter is a dog-eat-dog, SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST world in which we inhabit.

It, therefore, came as no great surprise when, in the midst of gloating my recent 120 - BRIGADIER GENERAL achievement, I became aware of the multitude of my superiors who had already attained 130. God bless em and I hope to meet you ALL on the BATTLEFIELD, jerks.


Friday, August 8, 2014

Musings OFF the Battlefield: "Why Does My Elbow Hurt?", a "BOOM SALAD CONTEST!" and so much more ...

For the past week, I have been unable to play because of the dreaded … GAMER’S ELBOW, otherwise known as ‘tennis elbow’ (not sure why tennis players get all of the credit, there’s a lot more of us than them. Still, I digress). 

Tennis had NOTHING to do with it.
The pic says it all. That’s me and a BIG BAG OF ICE wrapped tightly around my arm with an old ACE bandage (* see below).

What we are looking at, if you didn’t know, is called a Repeated Motion Injury, or more specifically, tendonitis, and it is DIRECTLY related to EXCESSIVE GAMING.

For me, EXCESSIVE GAMING means sessions that last several hours with NUMEROUS BREAKS IN BETWEEN. 

I think the longest ticket game I EVER played was 1400. That’s like a half an hour straight. I ALWAYS quit after games that last that long and take a break, and not just because of my elbow. Chances are, I have to use the rest room and maybe get some water, run some errands, whatever.

Yet, still I got it and man, did I get it good, hurt something terrible.

I couldn’t play, I couldn’t write, I couldn’t write about playing, I couldn’t even use my computer really. I couldn’t do anything that required a typical motion frequently performed by my right arm. In other words, I couldn’t use my arm for anything but simple tasks, holding a book for instance, not a heavy book mind you.

It was during this CONVALESCENCE that I realized something: I had sustained injury overusing a product and yet I had no idea, other than pain, what the word “overuse” really meant. Moreover, the industry responsible for manufacturing the overused product seem to be silent about the matter.

Why? The Gaming Industry must know about Repeated Motion Injury and its association with excessive use of their product, but for some reason, they don’t feel obligated to warn us, THE PEOPLE WHO BUY THEIR PRODUCTS, about its dangers, or provide recommendations on how to avoid injury.

That there’s what we call a problem with CONSUMER ETHICS.


“Consumer Ethics.” It is part of an economic theory I agree with that suggests THE CONSUMER IS THE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN in a capitalist society, thus rendering it more of a CONSUMERIST economy (eat that Mr. Greenspan).

“That sounds UTOPIAN.”

Yeah, I know, but it shouldn’t. The CONSUMER has ALWAYS had the power in a free-market economy BECAUSE they make the choice of whether they are going to buy A or B product. You, the GAMER, ARE THE CONSUMER to the gaming industry. They owe their livelihoods to you and me. If we stop buying their products, eventually they go away and NEVER come back.

Chosen for Extinction by the Consumer.
That’s how powerful the consumer is to the world economy and yet most of us, especially in gaming, don’t realize it.



Who do you call when you have a problem with your system? Customer Support.

How’s that working out for you?

Let’s just admit it out loud together, CUSTOMER SUPPORT IS NOT HELP, it is a hindrance. It’s designed that way from top to bottom. They don’t even give you their full names anymore.

Technical support for the gaming world has become a BLACK BOX to the consumer, and that, to put it bluntly, is insane.

The only way to right the ship is for gamer’s to ORGANIZE and form a political lobby. Trust me when I say the Gaming Industry has a POLITICAL LOBBY, and they DON’T SPEAK FOR US.

“Sounds like a hassle … “

Well it is, if you’re TWELVE, and what about those gaming brethren of ours that are just kids? Their parents are more than likely OBLIVIOUS to the types of injuries they can sustain from over play.

Who speaks for them?

“I dunno Flores … I still think the gamer holds some responsibility for playing too much.”

And I agree, but even CIGARETTES have a warning label required by law.

If BIG TOBACCO has to do it, why not BIG GAMING?


If you recall in my last post I promised an update on Sony. Well, that ain’t gonna happen because I am still working on it. Suffice to say that the data they collected, which includes PSN information, appears to have VANISHED. No one knows where it is or how to get at it. The Adventure continues.

I do however have a CONTEST of sorts.

I am moving my blog to my new website: BOOMSALAD.COM. I actually BOUGHT the domain boomsalad.com...hehe.

“Nice name, dumb idea, what about the contest?”

Yes. Well. I thought there might be some creative souls out there who would like to render me a logo for BOOM SALAD that I could use as the title of my new website. Of course, the winner would be acknowledged as the creator AND would win this:

I know the photo quality sucks but what do want from me? My arm hurts.

“Dude … cool, but you really are MIDDLE AGED aren’t you?”

Yes, I am.

Create a jpg or gif that you think accurately represents the idea of BOOM SALAD and I will pick the best of the lot. Send your suggestions to, INFO@BOOMSALAD.COM and I will post the name of the winner in a month.

Next post will HOPEFULLY be about gaming and not my sore arm. 

In the meantime, come find me so I can vent my frustration with an MP7 on your worthless body at PSN>JOHNDAVIDFLORES.

*DISCLAIMER: The closest thing I come to being a registered physician is that I took a college class on first aid and received my certification after passing a test. In other words, I am not the one to diagnose or prescribe remedies to any trauma you have sustained while playing. What I have suggested up above are proven and authentic medical remedies that I did not invent but are widely prescribed online by reputable medical sources.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Musings on the Battlefield: Don't Call Me FAT! and, "To IGLA or Not To IGLA?" That is the QUESTION.

No this is not me. generacionpixel.com

Well, your uncle John understands and he wants you to know that there are solutions to that problem which I PROMISE will not affect you and your life as A GAMER, in any negative way. I promise.

The first is to grow older like me and stop caring. It sounds easy, but it is no mean feat. The second requires no aging on your part and will turn your body into rock hard gaming armor with absolutely no running required. In fact, there is comparatively little movement at all. Ready?

No this is not me either. massageyogawellnes.com
Seriously gamers, YOGA will change your life and put to rest the constant blather coming from parents, friends, enemies, unbelievers, etc.


Yep, if you are doing it right. I have even heard the odd fart when doing a downward dog at the end of a vigorous flow. It doesn’t matter. The sweat, the fart, the smell (the more people the more … erm … pungent), none of it matters if what you want to do is feel good about yourself and get the jerks off your back.

You don’t need a lot of space and you can do it at home standing in front of your own computer, but still, I recommend going into a studio for the first few times.


Lots of reasons but in particular you need to learn the correct form to avoid injury or stress, and the yogis at the studio will help.

“Did he say ‘YOGIS'?" Yes, that’s what they call the teachers.

The other reason is that you may find you like the culture. It can be like an aerobics class or it can be a neo-eastern spiritual fest with drums, chanting, and lots of people sweating.

So, check it out and tell me if after two weeks of regular practice you don’t feel like an honest to god, superhero.


Last weekend I was doing my best to get through 119 with my hands full of 25 and 50 XP bonuses and DYING in the process (where did all these 130s come from?), when I noticed something that made my stomach LURCH: a map with the NO IGLA rule.

Then I saw another, and another, and for a split-second I wondered if I had accidentally bumped the Battlefield 3 widget.

Nope, it was BF4, and surprise SURPRISE, all the Admins of these new servers were … wait for it … HELICOPTER PILOTS.

First off, I get it. I do. IGLAs in the right hands can ruin a helicopter pilot's day, just RUIN it, I know because I do it often. So, I UNDERSTAND. I do. Still… it’s a dumb rule. Yeah, it is.


Shhhh, it’s ok. I’m going to help you out with this.

If you want to be a truly GREAT helicopter pilot, it is stupid to ban weapons that will help you achieve that goal.
Bad ol' IGLA.

I said, “STUPID”.


Metal sharpens metal my friend and a difficult enemy is only going to make you a better player in the long run.

Another problem is that by banning the IGLA you also eliminate one of THE BEST defensive options a helicopter pilot can have: the Engineer with an IGLA.

I honestly don’t know of a more dangerous combination than a demon helicopter pilot and an Engineer armed with an IGLA manning the 30mm cannon of a viper.

You will own the sky. I know because I have seen them. They have ruined my day.

The point is these games are HARD for a reason. Making them easier takes away from what makes them great. Let’s leave that BS where it belongs, in BF3. Let’s evolve with the game and learn to just get along… CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?

AND I SAW A VISION: IGLAS and HELICOPTERS living together in BLISS…namaste.


Oh and don’t forget I have an incendiary waiting for your pretty little face so come find me at PSN>JOHNDAVIDFLORES

Friday, July 25, 2014

Musings on the Battlefield: TANKS, APCs, JEEPS, BOATS and … MORE TANKS!!! Also: What Data is SONY Collecting and Why Is It So SECRET?

The versatile quad.

I thought with this weekend’s XP BONUS event rapidly approaching, I would give my faithful readers some useful pointers on driving the vehicles, including the boats!

You are welcome.

The main challenge with all of the vehicles, and especially the tanks and helis, is becoming adept at the highly complex controller sequences that are required to be effective and not a mobile liability. I would say that of the numerous air and land vehicles available, tanks and helicopters are the most challenging because you have so much you have to pay attention to simultaneously, in addition to the controller movements.

Shouldn't be parked there friend.
Players that don’t understand this and then jump into an APC make me crazy. I can almost predict how long it will take them to ABANDON the vehicle to the enemy. Once the enemy has your tank, you’ve got problems, especially if the thief knows how to drive it.

So, RULE #1: NEVER ABANDON ANY LARGE ARMORED VEHICLE, unless you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN the vehicle cannot be salvaged.

When in doubt, let it blow. If you want to practice in a live environment, you have to be willing to take one for the team.

I like jeeps and quads. They're fun. They fly over hilltops and off of skyscraper hotels. They are the easiest vehicles to use because they are both indestructible, sort of, and highly maneuverable. They are like BF4 starter vehicles and I recommend them to those that want to be better vehicle drivers in general.

You really like quads eh?

You will, but we ALL have to walk before we can run.

Start with jeeps and quads. Both are very dangerous vehicles and still the best transportation to use in OBLITERATION when you’re taking the bomb to a target.

Keep in mind though, because of their size they are easy to lose control of especially if you are driving over hills. Sometimes it requires airborne counter-steering and other advanced techniques to keep from launching yourself into a building when you land.

Starting with small vehicles like jeeps or quads will help you to develop the basic motion you will use later to drive the big boys. AND they will teach you a TON about EVASIVE MANUEVERING in a vehicle, a skill that can make you a tank drivin GOD.

My BEST TIP FOR DRIVING SMALL VEHICLES is to take your foot off the gas. You don’t always have to drive pedal to the metal, even if you are carrying the bomb. If you want to get somewhere fast, learn when to let the vehicle coast.

When you do finally get in that big armored monster, and you will, just keep these things in mind and I GUARANTEE you will have a better chance at surviving.

I see you behind those flames.

NUMERO 1: Keep moving. Standing still, even to aim, makes you an EASY TARGET, so keep moving. Forwards and backwards, sometimes you will get kills just running over the enemy that is sneaking up behind you. In any case, ONLY THE DEAD STAY MOTIONLESS.

NUMERO 2: Learn to AIM and then move the enemy into sight. What I mean by this is, aim your main gun before you engage the enemy, and then drive the vehicle so that the enemy is in your sights, and fire. This will help you to avoid standing still and over time will also improve your aim.

NUMERO 3: When taking on another tank/tanks, in close combat, practice moving forward and watch the enemy’s gun, when you see it start to track you, quickly move backward, until the tank is in your sights, and fire. Keep practicing this and sooner than later you will see just how easy it is to out maneuver the enemy and make them pay.

NUMERO 4: Retreat is sometimes the better part of valor. I almost never abandon my tank, and if I do, the tank is going to blow. I prefer to never get to that point. Which means knowing when to get out of town. If you find you’re taking too many hits or if you’ve landed in a hornet’s nest of SMAWs and Javelins, haul a$$ to the nearest shelter and regroup.


Boats are an easy crossover from land vehicles, the effect of the water on your motion being the main difference. RULE #1 still applies: NEVER abandon an armored boat to your enemy. NEVER. With that in mind, the tips for the jeep and the tank apply well to their cousins in the water, with one minor exception: the Personal Water Craft or PWC.
Um. How do I get off of this thing?

Remember that advice I gave you about the jeep and taking your foot off the gas? Well, even that may not help you get control of the BUCKING BRONCO PWC. Your best bet is to switch to first person view when driving it. You might find it’s a little easier to control.

Actually, I prefer first-person view for the large vehicles and third-person for the smaller, but like I said, the PWC is its own animal.

Last thing to keep in mind about the boats, is that you can dislodge any vehicle with a MELEE STRIKE, yep, EVEN THE BIG RCB and DV-15. Next time you find a boat stuck on the dune, just hit it from the front with your knife until its safely back in the water.



So, a weird thing happened to me last week. I was on the phone with Sony Playstation Support, and we got on the subject of the DATA COLLECTION process on my PS3.

 “What data collection?” You ask. It’s the data collection that you send to Sony whenever a certain app takes a dump… a memory dump. Those with a PS3 should know what I am talking about.

After a hard-reboot, the PS3 asks if you want to send information about the crash to Sony. The purpose of the data collection is to help improve the quality of the software and user experience, so they claim.

Stupid me, I thought I would ask Sony for a copy of my PS3 report, you know, what data have they collected, who have they sent it to, and what have they done with it?

Hear that? That silence. That’s what it sounded like on the phone.

I pushed a little harder and eventually got someone who said that Playstation Support is not privy to the details of the data collection that occurs after an application blows up. In other words, they didn’t know AND Sony Corp. wasn’t going to share.

Interesting. So, I’ll let you know how this all plays out. A supervisor promised that someone would get back to me with answers to my questions. We’ll see.

Until next time, DEATH TO ALL C4 SPAMMERs! And come find me at PSN>JOHNDAVIDFLORES

Monday, July 21, 2014

Musings on the Battlefield: Aesthetics in Gaming, CHAIN LINK ADDICTION, and What's With SHIELDMAN?

Aesthetics. Look it up. Aesthetics are EVERYTHING to an FPS. Sure, back when all you had was DUKE NUKEM and BARNEY skins, the aesthetics (there’s that word again) may not have been great, but they weren’t bad.

Fast-forward twenty years (Jesus has it been that long?) and look what the gaming world has brought us: BIOSHOCK INFINITE, DESTINY, COD: GHOSTS (I should write a post about my thoughts on GHOSTS, and my disappointments), and BATTLEFIELD: DRAGON’S TEETH.

Not bad for twenty+ years of software development. Like film, we are breaking new visual ground in gaming. The realism aside, it’s the breathtaking views that have been constructed, the entire AESTHETIC, that should finally have the old-guard artistic authorities take the blinders from their eyes and admit that THESE GAMES ARE WORKS OF ART JUST LIKE FILM.

The snapshots you see are evidence that, though only MARGINALLY more realistic in their reproduction of things like biomechanics and the sensual aspects that make it possible for us to differentiate between a Halloween mask and a human face, these environments have transcended the drive towards realism and gone on to CREATE A HYPER-REALISM in ART and VIDEO that IMHO can be likened to GERMAN EXPRESSIONISM of the 20th century.

It all goes back to aesthetics. Look it up.


CHAIN LINK, or as I like to call it, 10 TIMES THE FUN BUT HALF THE POINTS, is a nifty little update to the traditional CONQUEST mode. In fact, let’s just call it what it is, CONQUEST ON METH (I figure they got science teachers making the stuff on TV these days so I must be in safe company).

Somehow they made CONQUEST FASTER without reducing the size of the maps or number of targets. And yet, it still feels really crowded, especially at the individual targets. 

Oh yeah, and let’s all welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Spawn Camping…we have… MISSED YOU.

Yep, the campers are back with a vengeance. But do not despair. The game is way too fast for one team to hold any position forever.


I can’t explain it and it would be futile to try. You have to play it. It’s similar to DOMINATION, but less like DEATHMATCH. LOL. Ok, that’s as nerdy as I am EVER going to get on this blog. The point is that you have to play it to understand what I mean by a “FASTER” version of CONQUEST.

If your team or YOU are competent, you should be able to take back a couple of positions. You’re still GOING TO LOSE. There are clans that have ALREADY become VERY FAMILIAR with the mode and maps, and they will tear your team to ribbons. I say that with a knowing smile on my face.

So far, I have only completed the mode in DRAGON’S TEETH and I like it, A LOT… of course there’s that problem with the points…THERE AREN’T ANY!

It’s the first time I feel like I am doing this for DICE’s amusement more than my own. Even with ASSAULT fully kitted, it’s hard to come by points if you are losing. That’s not like the old CONQUEST at ALL.

Winning isn’t necessarily a point rack either, though it is better.

AND DRAGON’S TEETH IS STILL GLITCHY. Just take a look at the pic. Twice my tank was stuck on the railing in SUNKEN DRAGON. STUCK ON THE RAILING.

I don't know. It's just "stuck".
And what is with that SHIELD (see title pic above)?

They should call that the WEAKEST LINK (sorry it was just sitting there and I had to). I actually saw some player get killed by SHIELDMAN. I had to get on my Bluetooth and tell the team, “JUST JUMP AROUND HIM AND CUT HIS THROAT.”

It’s that easy.

Every time I see them coming I head straight for their direction so I can TAKE THEIR TAGS.

There’s other minor issues that I have with the DLC, like that machine-gun R/C (hate that thing), but ALL IN ALL IT IS STILL WORTH THE PRICE OF ADMISSION, if only to see how the Battlefield is evolving.

Next post I will share some tips on how to be a more successful vehicle driver: TANKS and JEEPS and BOATS. Until then, TAKE THAT BULLDOG AND MAKE IT SMOKE! And come find me at PSN>JOHNDAVIDFLORES

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Marc Marquez: Already a MOTOGP Legend, and He's Only 21.

Question: Who is the youngest MotoGP champion in the 65-year history of the series?

Marc Marquez, at the age of 20, last year, in his ROOKIE SEASON.

Question: How many MotoGP riders have won the first nine races of the Championship series?

Two, and if you guessed that Marquez is one of them, you guessed right.

The first statistic is ridiculous if only because of the man he replaced: KING KENNY ROBERTS. The second makes the kid a LIVING LEGEND at the tender age of 21.

Seriously, he is the Michael Jordan of motorcycle racing, he is the Senna, the Messi, and his career is just getting started.

One year ago, almost to the day, I had the privilege to get a couple of high quality snaps of this young phenom at his debut at Laguna Seca, a race he won by the way. For whatever reason (ROSSI), there were VERY FEW people waiting to see the future king. I was lucky enough to be one of them.

You may not appreciate road motorcycle racing. You may not even like motorcycles. Still, the next race is in America, at the home of racing, Indianapolis. And this kid has an opportunity to tie the record for most consecutive wins in a season. A record set by GIACOMO AGOSTINI nearly 45 years ago.
To tie the record he has to beat four former World Champions who have every reason to see that he doesn’t. If anything, expect it to be a lively race.

See history made whether the kid wins or not. He is a once in a lifetime talent in a sport that doesn’t forgive. Check him out. Motogp.com.

Musings on the Battlefield: Getting Max Points WITHOUT Joining a Clan, and FINALLY, a Look at the Dragon's Teeth

LET’S FACE IT a decent clan will kick the crap out of a non-clan team nine times out of ten. It’s true. Find a clan of players who know their positions and are able to work together effectively. Wire them up with Bluetooth headsets and turn them loose. If you are in a non-clan team or a team made up of non-clan and clan members, I don’t care if you are all 120 colonels, you are probably going to lose. It’s the law of teams.

Thus, the chances of winning games are much better if you join a clan, especially one that works together as a team and communicates.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to join a clan to get maximum points. Your individual score and how often you level-up have a lot more to do with your individual talents than your team.

Don’t get me wrong. Having a clan at your back will definitely help to increase your score significantly, even if it is just two of you. But what if you aren’t interested in joining a clan? How do you get maximum points without having to add [INSERT CLEVER ACRONYM HERE] to your PSN handle?

As someone who has NEVER JOINED A CLAN, I have had to develop strategies of play that are highly adaptable and require the ability to play at least two loadouts competently. I have three that I use frequently enough that I can play any one of them and feel confident.

Of the three, two are my strongest and one is my favorite: the blessed “REVIVE AND SURVIVE” loadout, also known as ASSAULT.

My first experience with this particular kit was in BF3. A friend of mine used it like he was a surgeon, no pun intended. He would decimate squads and at the same time keep his alive.  I almost never used it. I don’t know why but it just seemed so advanced that I couldn’t get the hang of it, not until BF4. Now, it is practically all I ever use.

Just to be clear, I am referring to the Assault kit that includes the DEFIB and MEDIC BAG with the COMBAT MEDIC mod on top. The weapon you use is up to you and it almost doesn’t matter. Your role is support mostly and because of that handy medic bag, you immediately have an edge over the kits that don’t.

It is the most lethal loadout of them all.

Which of the other loadouts can you heal yourself and kill the enemy with ease?


Yes, including the SNIPER SHADOWED. There is a reason they don’t let the medic have the PDW and I am convinced it’s because it would give the kit an unfair advantage over everyone else. Can you imagine the damage you could do with this loadout and an SR-2 or an MP7 in your hands? It wouldn’t be a fair fight.

The only ONLY downside to the kit is that it takes time to become proficient, and that means you are probably going to DIE MORE. Still if you play it right, and you choose the right maps/modes, there is nothing better for racking up the points.

As to maps and modes, personal favorites are RUSH and CONQUEST anywhere that has more close combat like say OPERATION LOCKER or DAWNBREAKER, GOLMUD is pretty good too.


Yeah that’s been happening a LOT more lately. It’s like the SNIPER situation: TOO DAMN MANY. That’s why you need a second loadout handy. It all depends on the situation and what the TEAM needs. If you follow the needs of the team, you will always score points.

Of the two modes, CONQUEST is your best bet for max score because you can play the entire game and almost never see anyone and yet still rack-up some decent points. Not that I am advocating you do that. Being a CONQUEST FLAG HOPPER is not the way to go if you want to level-up fast.

The way you do that requires, and I hate to say it, a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP. Yep, hate all you want. I have leveled up four times in a couple of hours using my XP bonus awards during the PREMIUM MEMBER DOUBLE-XP days. It’s the only way to get through the higher levels.

EVEN IF you are a LEGEND of the game, without the PREMIUM it will take you FOREVER TO GET BEYOND 110.

I know I know, you don’t have $50. All I can say is, if you want to level-up fast, you are going to need to do two things: save your XP bonus awards, and get a Premium membership. Then when the DOUBLE XP days come, cash in. OR, you can wait until DICE decides to have a system wide XP bonus.

You may be waiting for a while.

Dragon's Teeth: Propaganda

ONE of the things I like to do whenever there is a new DLC, like DRAGON’S TEETH, is to find a game with NO ONE IN IT, and spend some time getting to know the layout. I find it is very useful to spend a little time in the map free of the threat of combat. For one thing, I can RECONNOITER THE RIM sans harassment.
Let's just call this the ALLEY OF DEATH.
Secondly, it allows me to see where the targets are and plan my strategies of attack or defense.

Sometimes you get some jerk who doesn’t realize you are just checkin things out and he kills you over and over again. When that happens, I just switch maps. Any way, try it and see if it doesn’t help you to hit the ground running when the live fire comes.
Took me FOREVER to find this one.

Next blog I will give you my initial thoughts on the new mode CHAINLINK (hint: Pappa like) and the epic DLC, DRAGON’S TEETH. Till then, don’t let them throw C4 on you from a skyscraper, and don’t forget to come find me at PSN>JOHNDAVIDFLORES.