Thursday, July 17, 2014

Musings on the Battlefield: Getting Max Points WITHOUT Joining a Clan, and FINALLY, a Look at the Dragon's Teeth

LET’S FACE IT a decent clan will kick the crap out of a non-clan team nine times out of ten. It’s true. Find a clan of players who know their positions and are able to work together effectively. Wire them up with Bluetooth headsets and turn them loose. If you are in a non-clan team or a team made up of non-clan and clan members, I don’t care if you are all 120 colonels, you are probably going to lose. It’s the law of teams.

Thus, the chances of winning games are much better if you join a clan, especially one that works together as a team and communicates.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to join a clan to get maximum points. Your individual score and how often you level-up have a lot more to do with your individual talents than your team.

Don’t get me wrong. Having a clan at your back will definitely help to increase your score significantly, even if it is just two of you. But what if you aren’t interested in joining a clan? How do you get maximum points without having to add [INSERT CLEVER ACRONYM HERE] to your PSN handle?

As someone who has NEVER JOINED A CLAN, I have had to develop strategies of play that are highly adaptable and require the ability to play at least two loadouts competently. I have three that I use frequently enough that I can play any one of them and feel confident.

Of the three, two are my strongest and one is my favorite: the blessed “REVIVE AND SURVIVE” loadout, also known as ASSAULT.

My first experience with this particular kit was in BF3. A friend of mine used it like he was a surgeon, no pun intended. He would decimate squads and at the same time keep his alive.  I almost never used it. I don’t know why but it just seemed so advanced that I couldn’t get the hang of it, not until BF4. Now, it is practically all I ever use.

Just to be clear, I am referring to the Assault kit that includes the DEFIB and MEDIC BAG with the COMBAT MEDIC mod on top. The weapon you use is up to you and it almost doesn’t matter. Your role is support mostly and because of that handy medic bag, you immediately have an edge over the kits that don’t.

It is the most lethal loadout of them all.

Which of the other loadouts can you heal yourself and kill the enemy with ease?


Yes, including the SNIPER SHADOWED. There is a reason they don’t let the medic have the PDW and I am convinced it’s because it would give the kit an unfair advantage over everyone else. Can you imagine the damage you could do with this loadout and an SR-2 or an MP7 in your hands? It wouldn’t be a fair fight.

The only ONLY downside to the kit is that it takes time to become proficient, and that means you are probably going to DIE MORE. Still if you play it right, and you choose the right maps/modes, there is nothing better for racking up the points.

As to maps and modes, personal favorites are RUSH and CONQUEST anywhere that has more close combat like say OPERATION LOCKER or DAWNBREAKER, GOLMUD is pretty good too.


Yeah that’s been happening a LOT more lately. It’s like the SNIPER situation: TOO DAMN MANY. That’s why you need a second loadout handy. It all depends on the situation and what the TEAM needs. If you follow the needs of the team, you will always score points.

Of the two modes, CONQUEST is your best bet for max score because you can play the entire game and almost never see anyone and yet still rack-up some decent points. Not that I am advocating you do that. Being a CONQUEST FLAG HOPPER is not the way to go if you want to level-up fast.

The way you do that requires, and I hate to say it, a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP. Yep, hate all you want. I have leveled up four times in a couple of hours using my XP bonus awards during the PREMIUM MEMBER DOUBLE-XP days. It’s the only way to get through the higher levels.

EVEN IF you are a LEGEND of the game, without the PREMIUM it will take you FOREVER TO GET BEYOND 110.

I know I know, you don’t have $50. All I can say is, if you want to level-up fast, you are going to need to do two things: save your XP bonus awards, and get a Premium membership. Then when the DOUBLE XP days come, cash in. OR, you can wait until DICE decides to have a system wide XP bonus.

You may be waiting for a while.

Dragon's Teeth: Propaganda

ONE of the things I like to do whenever there is a new DLC, like DRAGON’S TEETH, is to find a game with NO ONE IN IT, and spend some time getting to know the layout. I find it is very useful to spend a little time in the map free of the threat of combat. For one thing, I can RECONNOITER THE RIM sans harassment.
Let's just call this the ALLEY OF DEATH.
Secondly, it allows me to see where the targets are and plan my strategies of attack or defense.

Sometimes you get some jerk who doesn’t realize you are just checkin things out and he kills you over and over again. When that happens, I just switch maps. Any way, try it and see if it doesn’t help you to hit the ground running when the live fire comes.
Took me FOREVER to find this one.

Next blog I will give you my initial thoughts on the new mode CHAINLINK (hint: Pappa like) and the epic DLC, DRAGON’S TEETH. Till then, don’t let them throw C4 on you from a skyscraper, and don’t forget to come find me at PSN>JOHNDAVIDFLORES.

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