Friday, June 6, 2014

Epic BF4 Glitch Screenshots

One of several pet peeves I have with the game is the fact that it hangs so often in multiplayer mode. For the past several months, I have taken screenshots of the game when it has frozen at times of greatest intensity. Here are the best, and worst, of the lot so far (I expect I will be adding more as time goes on):

So far, the worst of the glitches I have had this weekend during the 2x XP event. You have to appreciate how completely the game screwed me on this one. Not only was I  almost done capturing a flag, I was also just about to light up chameleon-boy here and revive my team. That's like a 1000 point reversal. Sweet pic though. (071314)

Operation Locker: I just threw my grenade which you can see hanging in mid-air. Awesome.

Dawnbreaker: just beautiful.

Operation Locker. The thrill of battle. After cutting down a bunch of bad guys I stopped to get some health when a malcontent behind me decided to throw his grenade. I doubt he got the kill.

Siege of Shanghai. Lining up a bad guy shooting his IGLA at my heli. I hate when moments like this happen.
Siege of Shanghai. I think he was too busy admiring the new paint on my shotty.

Operation Locker. Bottom floor of the main battlefield. I just got pummeled by the guy around the corner. Unfortunately, he is now tasting the flames from my incendiary.

One of my first and still my favorite. Operation Locker again. Note the shotgun shell flying by at my three o'clock. Nuff said.

Flood Zone. Me lighting up this guy hiding on the roof.

Siege of Shanghai. If you look at the map you will see that some moron decided to parachute right in the middle of me and my friend the helicopter.

Paracel Storm. Me about to feed bullets to my enemy (I have my sight right on the guy's head). 

Paracel Storm. They say "a picture's worth a thousand words."

Operation Locker (becoming a theme ain't it?). I just wiped out a bunch a bad guys and picked up the bomb.

Siege of Shanghai. My cannon is pointed at the enemies' exact location.

Lancang Dam. See the glowing bomb. See where I am and what I am riding. Times like these I wish I enjoyed sports games.

Lancang Dam. No. This is NOT the same photo as the one above. They are very similar. I had just put down the enemy boat, yes I said "boat", that was after I chewed through their tank. Now my gunner is onboard with the bomb. DAM LANCANG DAM.
Gulf of Oman. One of my favorites and the only shot of it glitching after I died. The reflections don't do the pic justice.

Another amazing capture of me and my friend Mr. Shotgun, bringing hell to the unbelievers. Unfortunately, the game is not a fan. Siege of Shanghai.

Flood Zone. I just buried one DEEP into this cow and was getting ready to let her have another when the game said "enough is enough."

Siege of Shanghai. I must have sounded like the Hulk when this happened, "ARRRGGGHHHHH!"

You have my permission to use any of my screen captures for personal, non-commercial purposes. For all other reasons, including charitable, I request that you attribute the work to John David Flores. Thanks. Don't forget, come find me at PSN>JOHNDAVIDFLORES and I will run you over with a quad.

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